My Ski optimal
My Ski optimal

Adapt our website to your needs and experience the Ski optimal Hochzillertal-Kaltenbach without any disruption.

Style adjustment
Gender note:

For better readability, we do not use multiple gender forms at the same time on our website.
All personal names apply equally to all genders and should be understood inclusively and respectfully.




Alpine emergency call112
Mountain rescue140
Fire brigade122


1. consideration for other skiers

All skiers must behave in such a way that they do not endanger or harm others.

2. control of speed and driving style

Every skier must ski on sight. They must adapt their speed and skiing style to their ability and to the terrain, snow and weather conditions as well as the density of traffic.

3. choice of lane

The skier coming from behind must choose his lane in such a way that he does not endanger the skier in front of him.

4. overtaking

You may overtake from above or below, from the right or left, but always at a distance that leaves the overtaken skier enough room for all his movements.

5. retraction and start-up

Every skier who wants to enter a ski run or start again after a stop must make sure that they can do so up and down without endangering themselves or others.

6. stop

Every skier must avoid staying in narrow or unclear places on a descent without need. A skier who has fallen must clear such a place as quickly as possible.

7. ascent and descent

A skier ascending or descending on foot must use the edge of the slope.

8. observe the signs

Every skier must observe the markings and signalling.

9. assistance

Every skier is obliged to provide assistance in the event of an accident.

10. identification requirement

Every skier, whether witness or participant, whether responsible or not, must provide their personal details in the event of an accident.


Continuous skiing from:

07.12.2024 – 30.03.2025 from 08:15 a.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Outside of daily ski operations between 08:15 and 16:00 pistes are closed and are not allowed to be used. From 08:15 o'clock open these and we will provide you with the latest daily snow report. The panorama boards on site always provide the latest information and are constantly updated.

Open lifts & slopes:

7/7Lifts 7/13Slopes 2/2Valley runs