My Ski optimal
My Ski optimal

Adapt our website to your needs and experience the Ski optimal Hochzillertal-Kaltenbach without any disruption.

Style adjustment
Gender note:

For better readability, we do not use multiple gender forms at the same time on our website.
All personal names apply equally to all genders and should be understood inclusively and respectfully.

Seilbahnen und Energie

Das Umweltbundesamt stellt dem Urlaub in den österreichischen Bergen – mit Seilbahnnutzung im Sommer und Winter – ein ökologisch ausgezeichnetes Zeugnis aus. Egal zu welcher Urlaubszeit: Der Urlaub in den heimischen Bergen ist in jedem Fall weitaus umweltfreundlicher als der klassische Strandurlaub an der Adria.



Continuous skiing from:

07.12.2024 – 30.03.2025 from 08:15 a.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Outside of daily ski operations between 08:15 and 16:00 pistes are closed and are not allowed to be used. From 08:15 o'clock open these and we will provide you with the latest daily snow report. The panorama boards on site always provide the latest information and are constantly updated.

Open lifts & slopes:

7/7Lifts 7/13Slopes 2/2Valley runs